Linguistics Link Page
jglavyzzz@gmailzzz.comzzz (remove all zzz)
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I decided to start this Linguistics Link Page as there are some Alphabetophile web pages that are quite nice and I think IMHO, worth mentioning. You can access them by clicking on their links below.

1. On Snot and Fonts - - Prof. Luc Devroye's most excellent font link pages. Much better than any other out in cyberspace.

2. Another excellent site is one I recently discovered. Chris Harvey's Native Language, Font and Keyboard Page. Has a plethora of information on Amerindian Orthographies. Further, he too, wishes to keep these endangered writing systems alive and offers fonts and Keyman Keyboards fee gratis. Check out

3. XENOTYPE's Daniel Kai who is also an avid (or is it raiving) Alphabetophile also deals with languages that probably only a handfull of people have heard about outside of "Trivial Pursuit". Daniel is a wee bit handicapped as he deals primarily with MacFonts and Keyboards. He is a real helpful, kind, and generous gentleman.…I wish there were more around like him! XENOTYPE's page is located at

4. Tavultesoft's Keyman and Keyman Developer - these two programmes are treasures! Not only do they allow for a bunch of Java related features (so I am told) they allow for context based input. They are wonderful and well worth the money. You need to download Keyman (which is free for private use) before you are able to use any Keyman Keyboards. Here is the link:

5. It is with great pleasure that I retract my "Deadbeat" labelling of Shellbook. Without going into lengthy detail, suffice it to say after receiving a very open, frank and understanding letter from their president, and subsequent actions, tells me that this is a company that cares about their image and obligations. All was cleared up by a couple of open and honest e-mails with absolutely no talk of anything like litigation, etc. Unlike so many companies out there, Shellbook Publishing Systems has proven to me their honor and integrity. On further reflection, I suppose a deep Christian ethos which pervades Shellbook Publishing Systems is one of the main reasons for this. In any event, I am well pleased to now say that besides having a dandy product, Shellbook Publishing Systems again gets my 100% endorsement, and again I provide a link to their page I extend back to Mike Trainum the cyber-olive branch.

6. Michael Everson's Evertype:

That's all for now.